User Guide

Bash, short for “Bourne Again SHell,” is more than a fun name. It’s a command language interpreter that offers a command-line user interface for Unix-like operating systems.

You can write a script once and run it whenever you need to perform a complicated series of data operations. Doing it this way reduces errors that come from doing the same operation manually over and over. Bash scripting is simple and capable of both small and very large data processing operations.


Setting Up Your Environment

If you’re running a Unix-based system like Linux or macOS, Bash is likely already installed. Windows users can still take advantage of Bash by using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

You can confirm Bash’s presence on your system just by opening your terminal (or command prompt in Windows) and typing:


bash –version


This command will show the version of Bash that is installed. This confirms that Bash is present. If you are using Windows and have not installed WSL, you can enable it by going to Settings -> Update & Security -> For Developers and then following the on-screen steps to install Ubuntu or any other Linux distribution from the Microsoft Store.

It is advisable to keep your scripts organized, perhaps in a dedicated folder for your experiments and final scripts. This way, you will avoid a cluttered mess and be able to easily find your work.


Writing Your First Bash Script

Let’s open your favorite text editor. Even something as basic as Notepad will work (or Gedit, Nano, or VIM if you’re on Linux).

The first line of any Bash script is usually called a “shebang.” This line tells the system what interpreter to use. For Bash, this line would be:




Save this critical file with a .sh extension. While script execution doesn’t depend on file extensions, it’s a good practice for organization and clarity. We’ll call it In this file type the following after the shebang:

echo “Hello, World!” Now, here are the steps to run your script. Open your terminal, navigate to a directory that contains your script, and type the following commands:


chmod +x



The command chmod +x gives execution permissions to your script, and ./ runs it. You should now see “Hello, World!” in your terminal.


Bash Variables and Input

Like other programming languages, Bash has its own syntax and strange rules for variable creation.

Bash ScriptingFor example, creating a variable in Bash is as simple as:


my_variable=”Hello Bash”


Also, you must have noticed that there are no spaces around the equal sign. With this variable in place, you can use it in your script by putting a dollar sign ($) in front of it. For instance:


echo $my_variable


For a really interactive feel, see how you could read user input:


echo “Enter your name:”

read user_name

echo “Hello, $user_name!”


With these little changes, your script now interacts with the user. This is just a glimpse of the powerful things variables and inputs can do.

The basic techniques shown here set the stage for more advanced scripts, allowing you to handle data inputs and store results dynamically without having to hardcode everything.


If-Else and Loops

Control structures allow your script to make decisions, repeat tasks, and alter its behavior based on conditions.


If-Else Statements

The if-else construct lets your script make decisions. Here’s its basic structure in Bash:


if [ condition ]


   # commands to execute if condition is true


   # commands to execute if condition is false



Say you want to create a script that checks if a certain file exists, you can do this:



echo “Enter the filename to check:”

read filename

if [ -e $filename ]


   echo “File exists.”


   echo “File does not exist.”



In the example, pay attention to the square brackets and the conditions inside. The -e flag checks for the existence of a file. This sort of logic will be very powerful as you, automate more complex data tasks.



You can use loops in order to run a series of commands several times. Bash has many kinds of loops, but the most common are the for and while loops.

This is an example of a simple for loop that prints the numbers 1 to 5.



for i in {1..5}


   echo “Number: $i”



And here’s a while loop that does the same:




while [ $i -le 5 ]


   echo “Number: $i”




These structures can be scaled to handle larger and more varied data processing tasks. True mastery of these control structures—automation at a deeper level—would be achievable.


Processing Files and Data with Bash

Bash has a true strength in doing file manipulation and data processing jobs well. Whether you’re working with text files, CSV data, or logs, bash makes simple any tasks that would otherwise be tedious.


Reading and Modifying Text Files

Reading files line by line is a simple task for Bash scripts. For example, the following script reads each line of a file and prints it:




while read -r line; do

   echo $line

done < $filename


The read command works through the file line by line. You could make enhancements such as data transformation, relevant part filtering, or reformatting.


Using Sed and Awk

Bash frequently employs tools like sed and awk to work with file content changes. The sed (stream editor) is very good at doing simple text transformations on an input stream (a file or pipeline).


sed ‘s/old-text/new-text/g’ file.txt


The above command would replace all instances of “old-text” with “new-text” in file.txt. It’s quick and saves you from manually editing files.

Then there’s awk, an extremely powerful pattern scanning and processing language. It does especially well with tabular data and text processing:


awk ‘{print $1}’ file.txt


The following one-liner extracts and displays the first column of each line in file.txt. It’s perfect for parsing CSV files or logs where each field is separated by a specific delimiter.


Scheduling Your Scripts

After creating your scripts for data tasks, you may want to run them periodically and automatically. That is where cron enters the picture: a little scheduler in the Unix-like world.


cron jobs are scheduled tasks that automatically run at certain times. To add/edit a user’s cron jobs, you could use a command like this:


crontab -e


This opens up the cron job editor. You can add a line specifying the schedule and the script to run, like so:


0 2 * * * /path/to/your/


The above entry sets the script to run daily at 2 AM. The five-field notation represents minute, hour, day of month, month, and day of week, respectively. This tool runs your scripts automatically so that your data processing is done at the right time and you don’t have to start it manually.


Debugging Bash Scripts

Bash provides a useful way to debug by adding the -x option:


bash -x


When you run scripts using the -x flag, they will report each action taken in the script step by step, showing each line executed and the results of substitution.

Including well-placed echo statements in your scripts can provide information about what the parts of the script are doing, which is a simple but powerful form of debugging. Over time, you will find it easier to see and fix errors in your scripts.


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